I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow, and that Santa brings you everything you wanted! (Yes, even if what you really want for Christmas is to turn into a small furry animal - hey, it could happen!)
And here's a journal I posted on FA, for the benefit of people mentioned in it who don't have FA accounts:
Okay, here's where I say sorry to all the people I would have liked to fit into the Advent Calendar pic if only there had been room. In no particular order:
Tic-Tac - you're funny and clever and adorably evil, and you were the one who got bumped once I'd narrowed my list down to 25, just because I thought it would look better if it was all babyfurs. But I know you're hiding in the present under the tree, ready to jump out with an evil scheme!
Rogey - you're a lot of fun to chat with!
Ruben Flonne - thanks for all the faves!
SmartyMax - big hugs and thanks for the friendly comments and for introducing me to Perreault!
Fox_Cub - thanks for the funny comments and general cuteness!
Drake Silverscales - you're a cool guy and it's been too long since we last RPed together!
Silverdrake19 - you're funny and great to play with!
Blackfire Fox - thanks for being a great caretaker!
Tavi Munkart - all those wonderful pictures of yours have made me squeee and awww countless times, and you're such a nice person too!
Link - you're a fun and sweet little cub!
Cute Fox Cat - you really are cute! Keep drawing!
Two-Tone - you're such a sweet and friendly puppy!
Furryfurryfurry - an essential part of any friendly forum, and a great writer too!
Gamerkitty - one of the cutest fursonas in the world, and a sweet and nice person!
Kaela - always fun to play with!
Baby Eevee - we've had plenty of fun on the forums, and I'm sure we'll have more!
Kijibwa - you're sweet and loving and fun!
Loupy - it's always fun to see your comments all around the forums!
Kenny Kitsune - your fursona is the cutest!
Blue-Ferret - such an amazing artist and such a fun guy!
And all the staff here at FurAffinity - thanks ever so much for a fantastic site, and especially thanks for getting it up and running again when you could have been enjoying Christmas Eve! I love you!
And really big apologies to the person who's a really good friend of mine but who I've somehow forgotten to include either on the calendar or on this list, because there's sure to be at least one. I love you the most, really I do!