this is a copy of my FA journal, band-aide in a car reck
I know my computer is on its last leg but lately when I would turn it on it will often come on but the key board, monitor and other things remain inactive like its in sleep mode not even the cpu running. I try agian and then the cpu runs but the rest still dosn't respond.
Pika duck said this is the power supply going out but I remembered that the watch battery on the mother board keeps more than the clock and without it computers can't run so I changed it in hopes that a couple bucks might buy me some time.
Unfortunatly Now the computer has picked up a new trick, now if I start and the power supply kicks in it brings up this
system disk not found or incorrect system disk (something like that) I have to put the registry disk in to get the thing running. Also I tried to save a note pad to my flash drive and it didn't respond.
So does anyone know what I can do to fix this?
Maybe re-install windows xp? I don't really want to do that I had to re-collect a 4 hour update, a 2 hour update and a 4 hour download and don't wish to go through that agian.
Also dose any one know where I might be able to buy a windows 2000 program or 98?
Or maybe if I could find 95 for free somewhere?
Like I said I have a second computer but I reformatted the drive to XP in order to spare the data on the old drive and if I have to put it back in the computer it came from it won't run unless I reformat it and it won't handle XP.
So if anyone knows some fair bandaides to put on this reck that might stretch it out a little longer, its unfixable but I can't get a new computer so I will fix what I can get.