Heya, I was wondering if there are any stepmania players here? I have been playing for a few years, but only just recently switched to spread. If there are any players on here wanna play online sometime and what is the hardest song you can do and grade you get? my hardest:
Emerald Sword - A
Ub3r R4ve - AA
For anyone who doesn't know what Stepmania is, it is basically DDR/ITG for the keyboard except a lot of the songs are much much harder. There still are DDR mixes though and ITG mixes. If you are interested in playing go to
http://ufpr.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/stepmania/StepMania-CVS-20060831.exeThat is the file directly and then after you download and install that you just need songs, some song packs are a lot harder than others, if you are just starting you should stick with DDR packs and work your way up to ITG and then to KBMP
http://www.ddrhq.com/forum/downloads.php?do=cat&id=2 (DDR and ITG packs, all easy)
http://www.upperface.com/songs1.html (all keyboard packs, really hard)