Heya guys, jus lettin you know i'm still alive an kickin around here ^.^
Not really much of anythings been goin on, gettin ready to move up to Indiana in a couple months here, so if you're in the area, I wouldn't mind givin you a lil holler or somethin if you guys get bored an stuff ^^
And jus savin the best for da last ^.^ <3
I've been a generally lonley bunny most of my life, jus shuffling through, trying to keep smiling and wondering what its all leading up to. I never really believed in love.. well.. I knew it was real, but just not one of those things that could ever happen to me.. until one day while venturing though a chatroom thing, I litterally tripped and fell head over feets in love ^^ Staring up at me with the sweetest little smile and eyes that jus make me melt everytime, an his voice.... ^.^ ..ohh......
I'd known him for a few years, but never got up the courage to ask him...
until late last year ^^
My love, my life, my little puppy angel ^.^
Words themself cannot describe how happy he makes me, an jus how much I would give, just to spend a few moments within his arms ^^
I write this now, just as a small ode to love, or perhaps even just a pointless little rant that you may just laugh, or ignore, but I just want people to know just how much it can change you, no matter how crummy or depressing, or hopeless your life may seem, love will always find a way ^^
Razzie + Dio = Forever ^^ <3