My thankgiving was super fun!
We spent it with these sort of "omishy" people, they where alot of old fashion clothing and live I guess humbly and simply I guess would be the best way to explain it, but they don't deny the twenty-first centeruy either, they have a normal vehical, electricity, a computer (looked better then mine) and all members of practical age have cell phones
Anyways the house though nice was sort of well clean but worn, some of the plaster was off the wall reveling the masondry and the lenolium had duck tape on it cause it had holes.
It has been an eternity since I had so much fun, the dinner was good and then we went out to play, I forget what they called it but it was a bit like a foot race mixed with green light red light, and freeze tag.
there was an "it" and he went out and then we all started running, you had to run around the house (the outside) and try to get around three times (either direction and you can turn back too, just complete the loop), but of course there is that "it" person, he or she runs around the house much as you do and if they come near you have to freeze! if they see your feet move you have to go back to the base and start count all over.
It was loads of fun and it had been so long since I had played a game like that.
anyways that was my thanksgiving